Arden Supports Kenya

March 14, 2023

A little north of Mount Kenya, in a place known as the II Ngwesi Community, there are some very happy kids.

Over the years, we have upgraded uniforms, and hung on to older uniforms and equipment for back-up purposes, but for so many years, they go unused. We are not sure exactly why we hung on to so much stuff, for so long, but the reason became apparent this past winter, thanks to Coach Jen, and Coach John.

During a family trip to Kenya, Coach Jen, Coach John, and their families, got the opportunity to visit the II Ngwesi community, and play a little soccer with the locals. Through their experience, they learned that the local schools were looking for donations of old sporting equipment. Coach Jen reached out to us, and everything fell in-place. It all made sense.

Several of us were able to donate our personal items, along with the older Arden equipment, and through this, have made some children half way around the world, very happy. Multiple other packages were sent, along with the ones below, and as we get more photos, we will update the post.

Thank you Coach Jen, and the entire Dionne family.

Thank you Coach John, and the entire Meyer family.

Thank you for the opportunity to make kids smile.

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