General Info

Where is Practice?

Fields are located at Arden Park in Crownsville, MD, across from Veterans Cemetery. Depending upon the number of teams in a given season, auxiliary field locations may be established at neighboring parks and schools (TBD by season). Reasonable accommodations will be made to ensure all teams have opportunity to practice under lights during twilight/evening hours.

What is the layout of the individual fields at Arden Park?

The park is divided into 2 spaces, the lit portion (under the lights) and the unlit portion (over by the playground). Most of our younger teams that play on the smaller fields will be located in the lit portion, while our older teams playing on the larger fields are in the unlit portion. Below is a map of the field locations and designations.
How does Spring Soccer work?

Typically, spring soccer is played via AAYSA (county level) and is available to those via invite from the hosting coach.

Practice days/times vary and are typically once a week, due to many kids playing multiple sports (lacrosse, baseball, etc). AAYSA games are scheduled for Friday nights or Sundays (as not to conflict with in-season sport games).

What about equipment and uniforms?

Uniforms are purchased through Arden Rec prior to start of season and include shirts, shorts, and socks (this usually runs around $35.00). Uniforms usually last 2 years (4 seasons) due to wear/tear and player growth.

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